Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Evil Electronified

So I'm presently staying in the Hotel Clarion in Manchester, New Hampshire. Not a bad place, but dull as all get-out. The staff are nice, the rooms are decent, but I've come to encounter through this hotel possibly the most worthless wireless network service provider on the face of the earth. Devil, thy name is Fusion Hotspot!

Last year I stayed in a Lebanese monastery in Italy on top of a miniature mountain with a router that may as well have been made from old bean cans and an internet connection conveyed by semaphore. And yet, it somehow seems preferable to this nonsense. I'm no IT guy, but this is the impression I get of the way it works (or rather, doesn't): they give you these little 48 hour cards that will log you onto the network. Okay, fine. Then every time you open your browser or bring your computer out of standby you have to enter the code and log in. Inconvenient, but not bad. And then a malevolent company wizard takes a dump in your computer through the internet and every thing goes to hell. Seriously, a 54 Mbps connection and it takes 45 minutes and dozens of tries just to get onto this blog? What in the name of Satan's spiky dong is this!?

I was gonna post on something else, but the unadulterated fuckery that is Fusion Hotspot has so incensed me that I'd entirely forgotten my other subject in the nigh-eternal aeons it took me to log in! And, as if they somehow expected this sort of reaction, I've found that Fusion's website is conspicuously lacking a Feedback section...


Alex said...

By way of addition, it seems especially startling that, given its inequities, this Fusion Hotspot malarky is something people actually pay for.

Anonymous said...

So I think Hotel Mexico deserves a post too.